If you’ve experienced an ear infection hearing loss, then you've experienced the hardship of feeling like you’re trying to hear someone speak to you while you are submerged under water.
It can feel very scary if you have acute otitis media. Your ears draining fluid all day, and worse at night. It feels like you are never going to hear the right way again. Your ears itch, and the only way you feel relief is with a Q tip, which makes the weeping of your ears worse.
If you are the kind of person who likes to heal naturally, without antibiotics, you can feel hopeless with your ear infection hearing loss and even desperate. You know that all it takes is a round of amoxycillin and you’ll be a new person in a matter of days.
This article will guide you toward answers on how to handle this condition naturally, without another round of antibiotics that ultimately only makes otitis media worse.
What Causes an Ear Infection Hearing Loss?
At its earliest stages, the causes of ear infections are due to taking antibiotics as a child.
It's important not to be hard on yourself for things done in childhood that you can't control now and you couldn't control then.
Antibiotics taken for one reason or another in childhood strengthens the tenacity of the streptococcus bacteria.
In adulthood, a person experiencing this condition has had rounds of antibiotics over a lifetime that have encouraged the highly adaptable, mutating, step bacteria to find a way to live under harsh conditions.
The ear infections that create temporary hearing loss are caused by the strep bacteria suspended in fluid in the middle ear, behind the ear drum.
The muffled hearing you are experiencing will remain this way until the infection begins to leave the body.
How Can I Restore My Hearing with my Current Ear Infection?
With ear infection hearing loss, you will have to get the infection under control to restore your hearing. As long as there is fluid behind your ear drum, it will feel like your head is submerged in a fish bowl.
How Do I Get Rid of the Ear Infection without Antibiotics?
Since the streptococcus bacteria is likely the cause of your ear infection, the way to deal with the strep bacteria, as a first line of defense, is by eating foods that starve the bacteria, and by taking herbs and or supplements that will drive the bacteria out.
*It is important to note, that these food and herbal remedies cannot be taken lightly. In other words, they cannot be taken for a day or two and then stopped. They need to be treated like a religion for as long as it takes to STARVE the resilient, tenacious, and hungry strep bacteria.
You need to know that this process does not happen overnight, though if these remedies are employed, especially #1, you will notice a difference in your condition overnight. Keep using these foods/herbs even once most of your hearing is restored.
This is definitely not the time to give up!
There are a number of foods that are poison to the strep bacteria. The following foods will reduce and then if continued, they will eliminate the ear infection and restore your hearing.
#1 Celery Juice
Celery juice is a potent antiviral and antibacterial, and it is poison to the strep bacteria. If you want to see your condition start to turn around almost INSTANTLY, drink 16 oz of fresh, unadulterated celery juice, every day, until the infection is gone.
Once your ear infection hearing loss has gone, then continue to drink celery juice to engage your insurance policy for better health.
#2 Garlic
Garlic is another potent option for the healing of ear infection hearing loss.
Put a clove of boiled garlic in the affected ear, at the front of the ear, not shoved into the canal. The garlic should be soft, but not mushy. Put a piece of gauze or cotton ball over the garlic and tape the gauze to your ear. Leave this overnight for several nights.
Garlic has exceptional antibacterial properties, and if placed over the ear, it will draw the bacteria out.
Eating 2-3 cloves of garlic throughout the day will also poison the strep bacteria.
A third way to get garlic into your body, if cooking is not an option, is to take garlic capsules.
#3 Oil of Oregano
Oregano, thyme, rosemary and sage are all very potent antibacterial herbs.
I go to the farmers market every Saturday, and I try to always keep these herbs on hand. If you can put any of these herbs in a salad, that would be a great.
You can also steep any of these herbs, or all of these herbs in 3 cups of water for 15 minutes over simmer, and add raw honey before it’s completely cool. Keep in the refrigerator and sip throughout the day over ice.
If fresh herbs are not available, you can take 2 oil of oregano capsules per day.
#4 Raw Honey
It is important that it the honey is raw. Raw honey is another amazing antibacterial agent on assignment against the strep bacteria. Take two teaspoons per day.
Raw honey is best if it is not added to a hot beverage, as much of the raw honey benefits are cooked by the water.
Drizzle it over a banana for a double antibacterial whammy.
#5 Onions
If you want to get serious about healing this infection without antibiotics, then you need to incorporate as many strep bacteria poison foods as possible each day.
Onions are another poisonous food to the strep bacteria. When you eat fresh or cooked onion, the antibacterial properties of onions starve the bacteria, and it has no choice but to die off.
If cooking is not an option, you can also use onion powder straight out of your spice rack. If you have vegan capsules, take the organic onion powder and put into capsules. Take 2 capsules twice per day.
#6 Ginger
Ginger tea is so easy to make.
Grate two or three thumb sized pieces of fresh ginger on a cheese grater. Place the ginger in 4 cups of boiling water, reduce to simmer, and let simmer for 15-20 minutes.
While warm, not hot, add raw honey, and let cool and then place tea in the refrigerator. Drink over ice for a refreshing summer drink.
If the tea option does not appeal to you, take 2 ginger root capsules twice per day.
#7 Vitamin C
To win against this ear infection hearing loss situation, you definitely will need high doses of Vitamin C.
Micro C, Ester C, or liposomal C are the recommended choices for easiest to process by the liver.
I find the easiest way to use Vitamin C is to take it out of the capsule. Put 2000 mg of Vitamin C in a cup with 2 ounces warm water, add 1 tsp. raw honey, and an ounce of orange juice. Do this 3 times per day.
#8 Goldenseal
At the first sign of an ear infection, goldenseal should be on hand and ready to use.
When goldenseal enters the body, it quickly suffocates the bacteria responsible for your ear infection. Take two capsules twice a day, for no more than two weeks.
If you are prone to ear infections regularly, because you’ve had a rich history with antibiotic use, then you should have an in-home pharmacy with certain antibacterial herbs and supplements that you will not hesitate to reach for when an ear infection starts to creep up. Goldenseal should be one of these in home pharmacy herbs to always have on hand.
If you did not catch your ear infection at the earliest stages with antibacterial herbs or foods, do not worry, you can still do this at any point in time, and find these 9 food/herb/supplements will substantially knock the strep bacteria out of your body’s park.
#9 Bananas
Bananas have an antibacterial property that literally pulls the strep bacteria right out of the body.
Here’s a tip to start your day: A BANANA SMOOTHIE!!
1 frozen and one fresh banana, a ½ tsp of ginger (optional), or two ginger capsules emptied into blender with ½ cup of coconut water. All of these ingredients, including the coconut water, will pull the strep bacteria out of the body and your hearing will soon be restored.
Foods to Avoid While Winning NATURALLY Against your Ear Infection Hearing Loss
If you want to beat an ear infection, then you will want to AVOID the foods that will feed the streptococcus bacteria.
Here's some healing herbs I can recommend
Garlic Capsules
Ginger Root Capsules
Organic Oregano Essential Oil
Organic Onion Powder
Lemon Balm
I am currently in the throws of getting my ear infection hearing loss under control. I have been experiencing acute otitis media for 6 years now. This definitely classifies as a chronic condition created by a bacterial and also likely a viral condition in the body.
I hope my experience and tremendous amount of research helps you to get your ear infection hearing loss under control. I'd love for you to live your healthiest, best life.
Happy healing friends.
Sources: God, Holy Spirit, Anthony Williams: Medical Medium Book 1 Revised and Expanded, Life Changing Foods, Celery Juice, Cleanse to Heal, Streptococcus Revealed Podcast Archives: September 2, 2016
Great informative blog post! Van Gogh cut off an ear, but I need all the hearing that I can get;) Viruses were recorded 1500 years ago, and yet with all our advancement we continue to offer antibiotics that take one virus away, but lower our immune system to deal with mutations and others. Thank you SLB!!
Such a funny comment! Thank you for lighting a grim topic with hope!
These are amazing tips, thank you sis. PS love the pictures very funny!
I’m glad you like them. That’s my creativity seeping through.