You may have heard the good news about celery juice benefits for your skin.
Maybe you tried it and you couldn’t stand the taste of celery. There are people with a genuine aversion to anything green. I understand.
Or it is possible, you’ve heard the naysayers speaking about the ‘celery juice fad,’ that will sink with the Titanic or with ‘Rose’s heart shaped diamond’ to the bottom of the health world sea. I’d love to see the skin of the naysayer at 40, 45, 50, 55 years old.
Celery Juice Benefits for Skin: #1
When we look at conditions like Psoriasis, Eczema, acne, dry skin, Rosacea, Vitiligo, Actinic Keratosis, Lupus, or Lichen Sclerosis, these all are viral conditions. Celery juice is the KING for treating viral loads naturally.
And if you’re royally sensitive, then celery juice is the QUEEN.
Any way you phrase it, IT GETS THE JOB DONE.
In this article, I’d like to skip the political correctness and get right to it.
Western medicine is good at a lot of things. Amazing at many, many things. And the hero’s and Saintly people that sign up to help people have the very best intentions in the world.
BUT, and it’s a big BUT, most are not trained to treat chronic illness causality. That’s the bottom line. MAGNIFICENT PEOPLE, MAGNIFICENT INTENTIONS, trained to treat symptoms, not cause.
This article will cover five common skin conditions and the celery juice benefits for the skin.
Celery Juice benefits for your skin
The medical industry believes that the condition of Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder. That the body is attacking itself. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Your body’s not a warring machine. The body has not gone roque from its original miraculous design to be a tremendous, protective, healing agent on assignment and working for you!
Please, do not believe that your body is attacking itself. Not only is this concept self-defeating in and of itself, but it is not an actual fact. This THEORY is an OUT for the medical industry to blame it on your body.
Why the deception? Because the medical industry does not have a clue of what is actually causing it. Oh, and ummm, pharmacueticals are made with heavy metals, one of the foods that viruses feed upon. Corruption anyone?
HERE IS THE FACT… psoriasis is a viral condition. Viruses live in the liver. Celery juice starves viruses. By starving the virus, the virus cannot feed on heavy metals (copper mainly) and other toxins that create dermatoxins.
In essence, celery juice disables the viral excretions (dermatoxins) from rising to the skin level to create the Psoriasis skin condition.
Celery Juice benefits for skin revealed
Not all eczemas are created equal. Not every eczema looks the same. Some eczemas come and go quickly. Some hang out long term. Some crack while others do not. Some are spotty, some are lumpy, some are patterned, some are on different body parts, etc.
The one thing that is consistent amongst all the different ways that eczema comes and goes is that is viral related. It’s a combination of toxins in the liver, bugs i.e. viruses in the liver, heavy metals like copper in the liver, etc.
Certain variations of the Epstein Bar virus in the liver feed on copper for eczema and psoriasis. In most cases of psoriasis and eczema, high levels of copper exist in the body.
So, you walk into your doctor’s office. “Doc, what’s going on with these swollen dry patches everywhere on my body? I’m itching so bad. I’ve scratched this one area so much it looks infected.”
“Not to worry, your body is just attacking itself. Your immune system is attacking your skin. I’ll write you up a prescription for an Antihistamine for itching, a Corticosteroid for the swelling, a round of antibiotics for the infection, oh and a Calcineurin inhibitor to boost your immune system. You’ll be all fixed up in no time.”
Why AGAIN doesn’t your local doctor mention the actual reason for psoriasis or eczema? Why don’t they identify that the skin condition comes from a viral load plus heavy metals like copper and aluminum, and toxins like DDT, and pesticides?
The bottom line is this... no money is going into the research of heavy metal toxicity OR Virology (the study of viruses) because that would mean that the medical industry would have to admit to poisoning us.
The celery juice benefits to the skin for this condition are HUGE. Celery juice should be the best friend to anyone dealing with eczema.
Celery juice gives the liver a needed break by binding onto toxic debris and carrying them out of the body.
Celery Juice Benefits for the skin
If you have the skin condition of acne, that means the liver has become the port in a storm for the Streptococcus bacteria. When the liver has excess food stored within, i.e. toxic load from antibiotics, the strep bacteria likes to dock its ship in the liver for a while and feast.
So, when doctors prescribe antibiotics to treat acne, they are giving the strep bacteria the food needed to live, thrive, and proliferate, thus creating more acne.
Conventional antibiotics do not often kill the strep bacteria due to the strep bacteria’s adaptable nature, and its willingness to become immune to antibiotics.
In fact, the strep bacteria will strengthen over time, the more antibiotics it is given.
An acne condition is the result of the early experiences in life with antibiotics, antibiotics passed through the parents, or animal protein treated with antibiotics.
Children with ear infections, sinus infections, urinary tract infections, bronchitis, bacterial sinusitis, strep throat, childhood pneumonia, or Pharyngitis, are often conditions given antibiotics.
These antibiotic rounds only strengthen the streptococcus bacteria’s immunity.
Celery works in the liver to remove the strep bacteria, by making it an unfriendly place for strep to live, thus reducing the condition of acne.
Part of the powerhouse mechanism behind the celery juice benefits to the skin are the Curcumins found in celery.
The Curcumins in celery juice surface to the top of the skin and are exceptionally healing, as well as reinvigorating the skin deep within. This results in less healthy skin cell death. And with less deterioration, the nerves and blood vessels of the skin are supported.
If you are dealing with acne, on top of incorporating celery juice, you’ll want to stay away from eggs, dairy, corn, and wheat.
Celery Juice Benefits for your skin
This condition will often appear on peoples face and has been given a special name of Rosacea, but in reality, it is eczema.
Rosacea comes in a rash. It's a face rash variety of eczema, and should be treated the same as one would treat eczema.
A good start would be detoxifying the liver with celery juice and removing heavy metals with a detox smoothie using wild blueberries, Spirulina, cilantro, Atlantic dulse, and barley grass juice powder.
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
The celery juice benefits to the skin for Rosacea come from a special kind of Vitamin C that celery contains. It’s a different type of vitamin C than is found in any other food.
The vitamin C in celery juice is readily available. Meaning, it does not have to be broken down first by the liver, as vitamin and supplementation forms of vitamin C do.
This is VERY GOOD news for the liver. The liver doesn't have to work so hard to extract the healing benefits of the Vitamin C, thus restoring the liver’s immune system. This in turn allows the liver to fight off the viral loads in the liver.
Celery Juice Benefits for skin
Vitiligo comes from the HHV6 virus (one of the Herpes viruses) and the Epstein Bar virus feeding off of aluminum. As aluminum ages in the body, a formaldehyde is created, increasing the problem of the skin condition.
When the virus releases an aluminum based dermatoxin and it reaches the skin, it destroys the pigment inside the cells of the skin.
Celery juice disarms the aluminum byproduct that causes this condition.
The sodium cluster salts in celery juice reduce the viral infection.
The sodium cluster salts are a sub group of sodium that only exist in celery and they are poisonous to the virus, thus the ingestion of celery juice reduces the underlying viral infection by neutralizing the dermatoxins.
Here's some healing herbs I can recommend
These are herbal recommendations for reducing the viral and bacterial load, along with your 16-32 oz per day of fresh organic celery juice.
Organic Licorice Root Extract
Mullein Leaf
Turmeric Capsules
California Poppy Tea
Nettle Leaf Capsules
Cat's claw Extract
Quantum Super+ Lysine Immune System Tablets
Organic Eyebright Herb Extract
Chaga Mushroom Powder
Thyme Leaf
Organic Eyebright Herb Extract
Raspberry Leaf Tea
Organic Ginger Tea Bags
The celery juice benefits for your skin are nothing short of miraculous. Whether you are dealing with psoriasis, eczema, acne, rosacea, or vitiligo, your skin will reap the benefits of what celery juice has to offer.
Start with 12 oz. on the first week, as to not have an overwhelming detox kickback, and move into 16 oz. on week 2 and up to 32 oz. over a period of time. You will not regret this choice.
Happy Healing friends!
I’ve dealt with eczema, ance & now bug bites. Sometimes I get insecure about that but I’ve learnt to not care as much for the beauty is within me. Thank you sissy for your wisdom!
You are beautiful as you are, and no need to feel insecure about these common conditions, however it’s always important to know that these conditions are within reach in regards to reducing symptoms.
The body is an amazing renewable Masterpiece, replacing water, and generating change to maintain itself. I loved this blog as it exposed the confusion that is put out there of it ‘attacking itself’, when the truth is it’s a self preserving wonder! It appears that the foreign agents on their assignment to derail its magnificent nature can be kept in check mate by this great elixir, celery juice. Great expose SLB!!
Thank you Nicholas. I feel in gratitude for better understanding the truth myself, and being a light agent on assignment to help others to discover the truths about our body.