The ear saga continues, yet hope is ever-present, as I dive deep into ear allergies on my latest quest for answers.This is my fourth blog on the ears, because I…
Viral Conditions
Muffled Hearing? Chronic Ear Infection Solutions Found Here.
Muffled hearing truly is a topic near and dear to my heart. Anyone who has read any of my blogs, knows I’ve struggled with ear infections for 6 years. Not until…
Ear Infection Hearing Loss: 9 Essential Natural Home Remedies.
If you’ve experienced an ear infection hearing loss, then you’ve experienced the hardship of feeling like you’re trying to hear someone speak to you while you are submerged under water….
VIRAL SYNDROME: 5 Clues You Have a Virus
Viral Syndrome happens when a virus enters the system, leading to chronic illness within the body. Most everyone on the planet is dealing with a viral syndrome because most…
Celery Juice Benefits for Skin Conditions: 5 Revealed.
You may have heard the good news about celery juice benefits for your skin. Maybe you tried it and you couldn’t stand the taste of celery. There are people with…
FROZEN SHOULDER: Infraspinatus Pain and how to Undercut the 1-3 Year Curse.
Infraspinatus pain does not always originate within the infraspinatus muscle itself and frozen shoulder does not always originate from a problem in the shoulder. Confused yet? Don’t worry, it will get easier…