For truly GENEROUS anti aging home remedies that provide a radiant glow at all ages, we have to consider what actually causes aging.
The keys to a youthful appearance are definitely not what most people think.
Please be prepared to do a little more work than a drive to the Botox fairy if you want the anti-aging-vibrance that can fool people at any age. Although, we all love our Botox fairies,
The truth is, botox shows our age. Fillers show our age. True radiance hides our age.
Anti aging is not a quick fix trip to the dermatologist. Nothing against injections. Nothing at all. But as we all know, too many beloved injections, and it starts to get a LITTLE sketchy.
In this article I will give you 9 anti aging home remedies that are sure to give your later-half-years the boost they deserve.
#1 Take your Liver to the Cleaners!
The most important determining factor for slowing the aging process is in how we care for our liver. Hands down.
A photo of the liver will not be displayed front and center of a fancy Beverly Hills anti aging skin moisturizer. Though, I can guarantee you that if you skipped the expensive moisturizer and opted for a gentle cleanse of your liver, your face will be paid in VIBRANT yielding dividends.
The liver is the storehouse of every choice, or lack of choice, that we have made since before birth in regards to what we put inside our bodies.
Many things that go inside our bodies are not our choice, such as the air that we breath, vaccines, road pollutants, heavy metals in even the highest quality foods, just to name a few.
Here’s a few ways you can begin TODAY to clean up your liver.
Drink your Celery
Anti Aging Home Remedies
Drink 12-20 oz. of fresh celery juice every day.
Celery juice means everything for cleaning up your liver. The sodium clusters in celery have the magnificent ability to rid the body of viruses that hide in the liver.
When you pop into Trader Joes, you’ll see cold pressed celery juice with lemon. This option would be a decent starting point. But if you want to get serious about anti aging home remedies, then you should probably consider getting a quality juicer. Get a self masticating juicer for cold pressed juice that will last up to 72 hours in the refrigerator.
This option may require some cleaning duties but it will save you money in the long run, if that is your priority. Some higher end grocery stores may have a juice bar, though you'll be spending $6-8 for 10-12 oz. of fresh celery juice.
In the long run for highest quality and cost effectiveness, the juicer is the way to go.
Leave the Fruit Anxiety Behind!
You are thinking, WHAT? How can loads of sugar fall in the category of anti aging home remedies? Here’s the trick... eat what I’m about to tell you AT HOME. hehe.
Oh, and remove EVERY SINGLE BITE of processed food from your diet AND include the celery juice.
How does FRUIT clean up the liver? YES FRUIT!
The liver loves glucose, just like the brain.
Pectin and Malic acid melt the fatty deposits inside the liver. Eat an apple a day, or three. FRUIT IS RICH IN VITAMIN A AND VITAMIN C, BOTH ARE EXCEPTIONALLY HEALING FOR THE LIVER. Try having your fruit on its own, without the addition of nut butter, without the yogurt.
Somewhere along the tracks on the train of misinformation, we became afraid of the one thing that will keep us young. And the name of that ‘scary thing’ is FRUIT!!!
If aging SUPER RAPIDLY is your thing, then sign up for the plan that eliminates fruits and promotes HIGH FAT, and your AGING GENIE has arrived!
Fruit is the most anti-oxidant rich food you can possibly eat. Load up on it.
When was the last time you had an apple? A papaya? How about bananas, wild blueberries, pears, mangos, camu camu, lemons, oranges, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries? Eat them all, and you will AGE LESS. Organic of course.
Make Friends with the GREENS
anti aging home remedies
Eat loads of leafy greens and you will AGE LESS rapidly. The more variety the better.
Red lettuce, kale, chard, spinach, arugula, romaine, butter leaf lettuce, sprouts, etc.
JUICE them, SALAD them, RAW GREEN SOUP them.
Get creative in the kitchen and find ways to get your greens. The one thing you should not do with your beautiful, gorgeous, pure leafy green is saturate it with oil.
More on that next...
High Fat Shmigh Fat
I know it's been the trend of many fad diets (recycled names since the 1970's). I won't mention them by name, because truly, there is no constructive use to calling out names. But if you have been in the world of dieting, then you know of them.
A HIGH FAT DIET is ABSOLUTELY-POSITIVELY the Willy Wonka golden ticket for aging.
When fats enter the body, they are processed through the liver (sorry liver). Guess what hides inside the liver? Viruses and heavy metals.
Fats oxidize heavy metals. Viruses feed on oxidized heavy metals and create a byproduct, a toxin. Depending on which heavy metal it is, will depend on what type of toxin is created (neurotoxin, dermatoxin, etc.)
This mess is called chronic illness and it alludes the most learned scholars and highly decorated doctors on to how to solve it.
Here's how to solve it. EAT LESS FAT! And AGE LESS RAPIDLY.
#2 Kick the Heavy Metal Habit
anti aging home remedies
Heavy metals, whether we are aware of them or not, are in every aspect of modern life and we have to really work hard to reduce their load in our bodies, otherwise aging will commence rapidly at a certain point in time.
Metals have a cumulative effect.
Many of the aging diseases, chronic degenerative diseases, neurological diseases, autoimmune diseases, and MANY, MANY, MANY, MORE are a result of heavy metal toxicity.
Metals oxidize. They rust. So, guess what? WE RUST. Rusting isn’t exactly a good look for a youthful face.
Anti-oxidants are the heralded foods, herbs, supplements, etc. that fight the effects of heavy metal rusting.
I will write more articles on this topic in the future, but for now, try to reduce your heavy metal load where you can.
Get a quality spirulina supplement, chlorophyll supplement, or chlorella supplement. Eat loads of wild blueberries, Atlantic dulse, cilantro, and there are many other healthy nutritious foods that support the heavy metal detoxification process.
I’m not trying to pick on specific foods, because every food has heavy metals in them, just be aware that some foods that you may not think have metals, might have more than you think.
Cows eat grass. If you’re wise with your cow eating choices, you’ll eat grass fed cows, because the alternative is a real nightmare on the body, and in particular the liver, hence further aging.
However yet still, grass has flyovers by airplanes, chemtrails etc. and the water a cow drinks is probably not flow brand from the carton, or even a high-quality reverse osmosis water.
Here’s so common places heavy metals can be found:
Vaccines, scented candles, chemtrails, gas pump inhalation, tap water, dental fillings, large fish, animals that eat grass, air pollution, herbicides, pesticides, cigarette smoke, paints, highway dust, fertilizers, pottery, rubber toys, hair dyes, canned food, petroleum products, fluorescent light, cosmetics, cooking utensils, chocolate, hydrogenated oils, nuts, hair spray, aluminum foil, antacids, antiperspirants, baking powder, medications, lipsticks, cookware, canned drinks, commercial meats, fabric softeners, wood preservatives, nail polish, copper piping in homes, shower water, food additives, e-cigarettes. ECT.
#3 Find Joy
Finding joy in your everyday life makes such a difference in your aging process. Some say joy cannot be made, it is the fruit of The Spirt. I disagree and I agree.
Joy can be made, when WE CHOOSE to connect to SPIRIT. It is always a choice to connect to our Divine source. The more often we choose to connect, the more joy we are gifted.
#4 Grow an Aloe Plant
Anti Aging Home Remedies
Aloe is a tremendous plant with high levels of anti-oxidants. Do you remember why anti-oxidants are important? To stop the internal RUSTING caused by unavoidable and avoidable heavy metals.
One of the most important plants you can have in your garden is an Aloe plant.
Once you grow your aloe plant, or once you’ve gone to the store and purchased a grown plant, scoop out the aloe flesh (the gelatinous layer underneath the thick green skin) and put it in a papaya smoothie.
Aloe is rich in vitamin A, an important vitamin for anti-aging, B-12 for inflammation, 7 of the 9 essential amino acids, anthraquinones for liver health, loaded with beneficial minerals, and it is an amazing plant for gut and digestive issues. Win. Win. Win.
#5 Ginger, Ginger, Ginger.
Find various ways to get ginger in your diet. This is EXCELLENT for anti-aging.
Here’s a few ideas to inspire you to include this amazing rhizome/herb in your diet.
- 1Ginger Tea
- 2Ginger Shots
- 3Ginger Broth
- 4Ginger Juice
- 5Ginger Syrup (with honey, maple, stevia)
- 6Ginger Jam (with honey, maple, stevia)
- 7Ginger Granola (baked with LITE amount of coconut oil
- 8Kimchi
- 9Ginger Salad Dressing (no oil, VERY lite vinegar.
- 10Stir Fry
- 11Shred on Salads
- 12Pickled Ginger (LITE amount, vinegar not great for the liver.
- 13Gingersnaps (vegan, no oil, with molasses
If you have a health condition, consider speaking with your naturopathic doctor about your choice for using ginger. Ginger can lower blood pressure.
#6 Vitamin C All Day
Vitamin C is the ultimate anti-aging supplement!
Vitamin C infusion is one of the main modalities that any alternative cancer treatment program will use for advanced healing.
There is no need to wait for a healing crisis to optimize our body’s healing processes.
Here’s a few suggestions for getting more Vitamin C into your diet:
1. Start your morning with lemon water to cleanse the liver.
2. Have 3-4 citrus fruits a day.
3. Supplement with Camu Camu powder or Tart cherry or both.
4. Have a cup of rose hips tea with your vitamin C supplement for maximal absorption of your C vitamin.
5. For a healing crisis, consider 6000 mg a day, if agreed upon with your naturopathic doctor.
High levels of Vitamin C (with as many as possible coming from foods) is your anti-aging insurance policy.
#7 Skip the FAD DIETS!
Anti Aging Home Remedies
High protein diets will age you. Most protein sources are high in fat.
HIGH FAT diets will age you.
Processed foods will age you.
If anyone has told you that you are going to look younger with these diets, you have been lied to. I am so sorry that you have been subjected to faulty reasoning.
If you saw side-by-side images on the internet with people looking fat by eating a high protein high fat diet, then another 6 months later, looking lean, you were not fooled. These images are real. No circus mirror was used.
YES, a person can lose weight through a process of ketosis, and YES losing weight can clear up a number of health conditions. But THE CATCH that is never mentioned is this… the toll on the body over a period of time is ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATINGLY AGING.
#8 Reduce Stress
When we are always in fight or flight mode, we will blow out our adrenals.
For anyone who is not aware, adrenals are quite a useful gland in the body for regulating hormones. If our adrenal glands are not operating properly, our immune system will fail, subjecting us to every DARK PRINCE operation of illness. INCLUDING VIRUSES! Whether they be manufactured viruses or not.
Why do people under stress get shingles outbreaks? Or cold sore outbreaks?
Because excessively high cortisol levels for long periods of time will tax the adrenals, the immune system fails with adrenal fatigue, and the dormant viruses (Herpes, Shingles, Epstein bar, and others) come out of the liver to play.
And if you think you are one of the few to not have one of these viruses in your body, then that means you have ZERO symptoms of any kind. These viruses do NOT only manifest in the ways that you think.
When you think of symptoms, what comes to mind?
Do you think of toenail fungus, acne, tinnitus, eczema, chronic fatigue, ear infections, anxiety, hot flashes, moodiness, bloating, IBS, indigestion, UTI's, fibroids, allergies, eye issues?
All of these are symptoms of chronic illness and in all cases, should be treated as a viral or bacterial load that needs to be addressed through diet.
The bottom line, we must reduce stress to minimize our chronic illness symptoms, until the dietary solution is found.
#9 Try Asea for a SEA of Healing Cell Signaling Molecules
If you are like most people and you didn’t keep your liver clean for the first 30 years of your life, and your facial lines have proven the toll of a sluggish liver, then what do you do next?
I would start with working on #1-8 of this list, MOSTLY #1.
I would not run to the dermatologist and have your face filled with chemicals to cosmetically lighten the load of an underlying cause that will only grow larger and larger and more and more problematic in time.
This approach is similar to the current western medical setup, put a Bandaid on the problem, but not approach the problem from the perspective of CAUSATION.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against facial enhancements, but when the underlying issue of aging is not addressed internally, the facial enhancement need will get greater and greater until facial deformity results.
Loads of people are having amazing results with Asea Renu 28 gel on the face for wrinkles, and also the Asea Redox supplement for cell signaling molecule saturation.
If you want to know more about either of these products, leave me a comment, email me, or just sign up to receive the products as a preferred customer for wholesale pricing.
Clearly, anti aging is a complicated situation. But, the beautiful part is this... when you know what to do about it, it's really quite simple.
I hope you'll find these 9 anti aging home remedies to your liking, and you will use them.
Happy healing friends!
God. The Holy Spirit. Andreas Moritz: Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation; The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse; Cancer is Not a Disease. Dr. N.W. Walker Become Younger Anthony William: Liver Rescue; Cleanse to Heal; Life Changing Foods.
What an amazing article my friend! I look forward to reading your blog every week. Thank you 😊
Thank you so much Hannah! Your words are always warming to the heart.
Great tips and tricks put forward in this inspiring blog. You too can live a long life like Enoch! Thank you SLB.
Thank you Nicholas for your appreciation of all topics on health. 365 years! Wow! You have a BIG FAITH to put me on par with Enoch!